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The Artist:

Benjamin Guidry is a visual artist, musician, lyricist, and writer based in Lafayette, Louisiana. His work often utilizes social or political discourse to capture contemporary unrest and skepticism. Gestural scrawls combine with geometric shapes and primitive dashes to create a layered reality in the pieces. Taking from early expressionism, conceptualism, and the ever-growing world of street art, Guidry's paintings convey a complex world of emotional chaos and the progressive journey towards unity. 


Benjamin Guidry is also involved with multiple musical groups including the alternative hip-hop collaborative thestreetcorner and the New Orleans styled New Natives Brass Band. Through hip-hop, Guidry (Awkward Glances) encapsulates the tense atmosphere of political confrontation, using influences that range from jazz and funk to metal and punk. He currently frontlines his own hip-hop group Awkward Glances and the Face Palms and has released two albums through Soundcloud and Bandcamp.

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